Building Scale
Stormwater Management and Treatment
Water Reuse/ Rainwater Harvesting
Bioretention systems
Community Education and Stewardship Programming
Landscape/Municipal Scale
Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Abatement
Stormwater Management and Treatment
Construction Drawings and Administration
Rain Gardens
Treatment Wetlands
Permeable Pavement
Stormwater Trees
Water Reuse/ Rainwater Harvesting
Construction Management
Post-construction Monitoring
Community Education and Stewardship Programming
Akbuk Peninsula Wetland Gardens
Brooklyn Botanical Garden Pond
Fordham Bedford Stormwater & Greywater Reuse
Gowanus Bioswales
Green Infrastructure on NYC School Playgrounds
Habana Outpost Stormwater & Greywater Reuse
Meadow Lake Wetland
Muscota Marsh Wetland
Museum Place Water Reuse
Newark LID Community Garden
Newburgh Green Infrastructure Study
Newtown Creek Subsurface Investigations
NYC Stormwater Planters
Poppenhusen Rain Gardens
Rebuild by Design
Rwanda Water Resources Planning
Sao Paulo Terrace Wetlands
Shoelace Park Rain Garden & Slope Stabilization
West Harlem Stormwater Wetland