ASLA New York 2016 Design Award won by Siteworks, the Trust for Public Land and eDesign Dynamics for green playground design!
eDesign Dynamics is honored to have worked on such a tremendous project, transforming an asphalt lot to a state-of-the-art playground for NYC's Hells Kitchen community. The school, in an area almost devoid of parks, serves 600 kids, pre-K through 8th grade. Designed with help from the school's students and built in partnership with New York City, the one-acre playground will include green infrastructure components that will allow the space to capture up to 700,000 gallons of stormwater runoff each year.
Congratulations to Siteworks, the Trust of Public Land and the P.S. 111 student consultants!
See the full list of winning projects HERE >
Read more about our playground project HERE>
Photo credit: dnainfo.com
On February 27th, an interdisciplinary jury comprised of landscape architects and allied professionals from the Southern California Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) convened to select winners of the 2016 ASLA New York Chapter Design Awards. Of the 55 award submissions, 18 projects received “Honor” or “Merit” designations. The awards will be presented at the ASLA-NY Design Awards Ceremony and Reception to be held on Thursday, April 7th, at the Center for Architecture in Manhattan.
The projects chosen represent excellence in professional accomplishment by ASLA New York members in five categories: General Design, Residential Design, Collaborative Design, Analysis/Planning/Research and Communications, and Un-Built Projects. This year’s jury responded favorably to the interesting collection of valuable ideas and research-based design solutions presented by award winners. ASLA-NY 2016 President Celine Armstrong notes, that “the body of work represented by this year’s award recipients is very inspiring as these projects will bring joy to those visiting these landscapes and awareness to our profession. I am thankful to the landscape architects who continue to work tirelessly creating such beautiful works of art.”
- See more at: http://aslany.org/7152-2/?cbg_tz=300#sthash.RWJoenwR.dpuf