Webinar: Reevaluating Stormwater Design in a Changing Climate

eDesign Dynamics’ Principal Engineer Franco Montalto, Ph.D., NOAA and the Water Research Foundation, along with other water management practitioners, addressed reevaluating stormwater design and flooding management in a recent webinar. The talk shared highlights from the recent workshop series, “Climate and Weather Information for Small- and Medium-size Water Utilities.” The webinar had more than 500 attendees from all over the country.


Read more about the event & its participants>

eDesign President’s Class on the Future of Stormwater Management Featured in EWRI Currents

EDD President and Principal Engineer, Franco Montalto, P.E., Ph.D., is leading a class focused on the future of stormwater management offered at Drexel University.

“Conventional approaches to stormwater management can leave communities vulnerable to flooding, especially when codes and policy are based on historical precipitation patterns, and not the ‘new normal’ associated with climate change. Precipitation patterns are changing in different ways in different places, meaning that “one size” (of drainage infrastructure) certainly does not fit all. If we under-design the drainage infrastructure, we can exacerbate flooding and associated damages. If we over-design, we can run up infrastructure and development costs. As we design stormwater infrastructure for the future, today’s engineers need to consider performance under a range of plausible precipitation futures, while continuing to address traditional concerns regarding the level of service, cost, maintenance, and reliability…”

Read the Fall 2020 Issue of Currents  >>HERE<<

EDD President Dr. Franco Montalto Appointed by Mayor De Blasio to Serve As Scientific Expert

Drexel Professor and EDD Founder and President Dr. Franco Montalto, P.E. was appointed by Mayor Bill de Blasio to serve as a Scientific Expert on the Fourth New York City Panel on Climate Change. In the City’s press release, he says “As the COVID-19 pandemic has clearly shown us yet again, risk exposure is highly uneven. I am grateful for this opportunity to apply my engineering skills to help conceptualize infrastructure and policies that will reduce climate risks, especially in the city’s most vulnerable communities.”


Read the full press release >

EDD President Dr. Montalto Offers an Online Continuing Education Class

In his capacity as Professor at Drexel University, EDD president Dr. Franco Montalto is offering a new, online, continuing education class: Stormwater Planning in the Era of Climate Change at Drexel University. A maximum of 20 professional development hours (PDHs) can be obtained for the $600 registration fee. While learning the latest science on precipitation forecasting under climate change, students (both university and continuing ed) who are enrolled in the class will work directly with a set of cities and water utilities (or their own existing clients) to develop future design storms based on the latest climate projections for that region.

Read the detailed syllabus >

COVID-19 Reveals a Path Forward on Climate Change

COVID-19 Reveals a Path Forward on Climate Change

Dr. Franco Montalto, President and Principal Engineer at EDD, collaborated with his Drexel colleagues Scott Knowles, Richardson Dilworth, and Mimi Sheller on a piece for the American Scientist, entitled “COVID-19 reveals a path forward on climate change.”
The key points are that social inequities represent a severe handicap in our efforts to adapt the human condition for the better, whether fighting a pandemic or mitigating climate change. However, the fact that billions around the world have accepted an abrupt and radical change to their lives, virtually overnight and amid profound uncertainty, in response to a scientific prescription is encouraging. It suggests that collaboration on global crises is possible, even in a highly polarized world.

Read the full article >>HERE<<



Charlotte Reese of KYW newsradio in Philadelphia interviewed Dr. Franco Montalto, President and Principal Engineer at EDD, regarding COVID's impact on the environment.

Ecological Design Work by EDD Featured in New Coastal Brooklyn Park

If you walk down Metropolitan Avenue, a street that stretches across North Brooklyn, you’ll eventually reach a dead end: a chain-link fence blocks off access to the waterfront on the East River. But vacant land behind the fence could soon be transformed into a new park that brings green space to the neighborhood—and that helps provide extra protection from storm surges as climate change pushes the water in the river to higher levels...

Read the full article >>HERE<<

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