Wednesday, January 31, 2018
3:30 PM-5:00 PM
The first year of Donald Trump’s presidency was marked by the confirmation of a new Supreme Court Justice, US withdrawal from the Paris climate accord, and the passage of the largest tax cut bill in recent US history. Trump’s actions on immigration led to massive protests at airports, and Americans marched in record numbers to support science, and for women’s rights. Trump did not alter his style—his tweeted insults, his disregard for experts, or has grandiosity—when he became President of the United States. But did this style hurt him (as opponents claim) or lead to unexpected new opportunities in foreign and domestic policy (as his supporters claim)? With a year of the Trump presidency behind us, what is the bigger picture—how has his administration changed the office, the nation, and the world?
This event will feature a panel of experts discussing the remarkable first year of the Trump presidency, with opportunities for dialogue with the audience.
Panelists include:
- Scott Knowles, PhD, professor and interim department head of history (moderator)
- Rose Corrigan, PhD, associate professor of politics and of law
- Yvonne Michael, SCD, SM, associate professor of epidemiology and biostatistics
- Franco Montalto, PhD, associate professor in the Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
- Alden Young, PhD, assistant professor of history and director of Africana studies