Perth Amboy
EDD, in partnership with Perth Amboy SWIM and under funding and guidance from the New York-New Jersey Harbor & Estuary Program, conducted a green infrastructure feasibility study for the City of Perth Amboy in Middlesex County, New Jersey.
Amboy in Middlesex County, New Jersey. The purpose of the grant and study was to provide an example methodology to determining the feasibility and effectiveness of green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) for municipalities developing Long Term Control Plans. EDD worked with the City of Perth Amboy to identify two sewersheds with typical typologies for the City. Information was collected for each sewershed from a combination of City records and site visits, the sewersheds were modeled in EPA SWMM, and comparisons were made between the existing condition models and developed GSI models assessing the efficacy of the interventions identified for each study area. The results were published in a report detailing the study methodology and GSI technologies used, along with preliminary costs for implementation of the various types of GSI modeled were developed, providing planners with a priority list of the types of GSI with the greatest impacts in terms of dollars-per-gallon.CLIENTS AND PARTNERS
New York-New Jersey Harbor & Estuary Program
The City of Perth Amboy
Perth Amboy SWIM