eDesign Dynamics' Franco Montalto and Amanda Bayley will be making presentations at this year’s Philadelphia Low Impact Development Symposium to be held September 25-28.

Information on the symposium may be found HERE >
Registration information may be found HERE >
Download a pdf of the preliminary agenda and list of speakers HERE >


With funding from the National Science Foundation, Franco Montalto and his research team from Drexel University collaborated with the NYC Department of Parks and Recreation for the installation and monitoring of a “Greenstreet” in the heart of New York’s urban environment.

The project will evaluate the effectiveness of the installation in managing stormwater runoff along with a number of other benefits.

See photos of the site HERE >


UPDATE - Design for Women’s Opportunity Center places second at the World Architecture Festival.

eDesign Dynamics served as a consultant to the Sharon Davis Design Studio for water resources planning at Women for Women International’s new center in Kayonza, Rwanda. Eric Rothstein, eDesign Dynamics Engineer, talks about the composting toilet component of the final design in the video below, Sharon Davis Design & the Toilet Revolution from Martha Williams on Vimeo.

Sharon Davis Design & the Toilet Revolution from Martha Williams on Vimeo HERE >

Read more about our work in PROJECTS >


eDesign Dynamics was one of 15 winners selected out of 52 applications requesting NYCDEP funding for green infrastructure (GI) projects.

The NYCDEP 2011 Green Infrastructure Grant Program will fund the design, construction, and monitoring of an infiltration gallery within an existing tree pit adjacent to the historic Bowne House property. Being part of an historic site, the tree pit GI retrofit is an ideal education and demonstration stormwater management example for the Queens community.

Read the official press release here >
Read the Queens local news article here >

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